Friday, February 24, 2012

The Pristine Flight Itinerary of 9-11

Above:  From the NY Times, September 12, 2001, "Personal Accounts of a Morning Rush that Became the Unthinkable".

I usually find something interesting when I'm looking for something else.  That was the case when I came across this today.

On 9-11-2001, a broker named Michael Sheehan whose office is in WTC 2 is witness to a plane crashing into WTC 1.  He finds a flight itinerary among thousands of pieces of paper littering the area after escaping from his office and reaching the street below.  It's an itinerary for a flight from Boston to Los Angeles.

It just so happens that American Airlines Flight 11, scheduled to fly from Boston to LA, had just crashed into WTC 1.

After picking up the paper, he says, he "realized then it (the crashed airliner) was a commercial flight".  The question is, how does a piece of paper survive a giant fireball?  Was this "the" itinerary of AA flight 11, or just a random itinerary for a different Boston to LA flight?  How did our hero connect this paper to the crash?  Did he honestly think this paper came from the crashed plane?

If you've paid attention to all the hoopla about 9-11, perhaps you are aware of the pristine terrorist passport that was found blocks from the disaster:

The 55th floor, where Sheehan supposedly worked, was the home of Garban Intercapital, according to the list of tenants in WTC 2.  Garban Intercapital is now known as ICAP, ( described as:

"A UK based voice and electronic dealer broker and provider of post trade risk services, the largest in the world carrying out transactions for financial institutions rather than private individuals. ICAP plc is headquartered in London, United Kingdom and operates from London, New York (Jersey City) and Tokyo with offices in a further 21 smaller financial centres such as Madrid and Sydney. The average daily transaction volume for ICAP plc exceeds US$1.5 trillion, more than 60% of which is electronic." 

So, for all the "crazy conspiracy theorists" out there, here's another "strange coincidence".

Monday, February 13, 2012

Israeli TV Ad Spoofs Mossad Terror Attacks

An Israeli TV ad promoting the cable network HOT makes fun of a Mossad terror attack in which Israeli agents inadvertently blow up an Iranian nuclear plant by pushing a button on a computer tablet.  
When the Mossad agent shows the various features of the computer tablet to the other Israeli agents, one accidently pushes a button which causes the nuclear plant in the background to explode. To this, the character then says, "What? Another mysterious explosion in Iran?" 

The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has an article on the ad and Iran's reaction to it here:

The commercial reveals the Israeli attitude about Mossad terror attacks in foreign nations. No other nation would produce a similar commercial in which their secret service blows up a nuclear plant in another nation. It's unthinkable. The Israelis, however, think it's funny.

The ad has several of the key elements of the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11. It features Israeli agents and Mossad operatives working undercover and using disguises, just like the 5 dancing Israelis who were arrested on 9/11 in New Jersey. These Mossadniks use computers to detonate pre-placed explosives to destroy an important asset. This is exactly what happened to the Twin Towers on 9/11. There is certainly nothing funny about Israeli terrorism. Just ask the 10,000 American children who lost their father or mother on 9/11. 

"Iran mulls ban of Samsung over Israeli commercial depicting attack on nuclear plant", Ha'aretz, 3 February 2012
