"Dominik Suter" (or someone who claims to be him) recently posted the following comment on this blog: a spiel (bad grammar warning) from the home page of a website DominikSuter.com. . According to Register.com, it was established 3-31-12.
The same spiel is on a Wikipedia User Page for Dominiksuter. which was created on April 1, 2012. The same user has made revisions to the Wikipedia "September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories" page as of April 1st, the user log showing the revisions is here.
If you have a blog that discusses the "Dancing Israelis" and their possible connection to 9-11, you too, may soon be hearing from "Dominik Suter" - or whoever this is (listen up, Justin Raimondo!). For those unfamiliar with the story, Suter was the boss at Urban Moving Systems, where the five "Dancing Israelis" were employed. UMS was a known Mossad front - this has been known for years. One of the first news sources to reveal that factoid was the Jewish Daily Forward. So sue them. Sue the doggone FBI while you're at it too. And Christopher Ketcham and Democracy Now! for all I care.
I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this diatribe. The poster "flew" into this blog from the EU, according to blog stats. So for what it's worth, here are the words of "Dominik Suter" or whoever it is:
For years now, there have been individuals whom have been making up lies, bogus stories, spreading rumors about me and my family. Such lies include accusations I had involvement in the 9-11 attack on the world trade center; Allegations I was a mossad operative; others went further calling me nothing less that a mass murderer.
Numerous False, Ridicules, Hurtful and Hateful articles have been posted about me and my family by so-called 'experts', 'researches', 'concerned citizens', bloggers etc there are nothing but anonymous bullies that have nothing better to do then take pleasure in taking turns in ambushing me and my family on the web.
Some of the articles and comments to those articles include misspellings of my name, some examples: Dominick Suter, Dominic Suter,
Like any good lie, many of these lies include bits of truths, needed to make these ridicules and malicious stories 'credible' to the innocent and not so innocent readers online. Details such as my social security number, date of birth, past addresses, past businesses, places of employment etc are out there, on the net for anyone to exploit.
In the coming days and weeks, I will begin addressing these malicious acts, which their only objective is throw mud on me, my family, friends and spread hate and antisemitism.
Regards, Dominik Suter
A January 13th Atlanta Jewish Times' article described a scenario of a Mossad assassination of a US President who is "unfriendly to Israel". Is there more substance to this "Tom Clancy" plot than appears at first glance?
The Miami Herald had a recent article on al Qaida's Inspire magazine and how a hard copy may have gotten into Guantanamo prison.
Inspire magazine (mostly online and now defunct) had, as one of its contributors, Adam Gadahn, the "Jewish-American al Qaida". Gadahn's (formerly Pearlman) Jewish grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent urologist, staunch Israel supporter, and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League. Gadahn's contributions to the magazine include:
“Legitimate Demands 2” (Fall 2010 issue)
“Know that Jihad is your duty” (Winter 2010)
Inspire was supposedly started by Pakistani-American "Jihadist" Samir Khan, who was born in Saudi Arabia and raised in the Maspeth section of Queens, New York. According to ABC News, "he was a normal city teenager who listened to hip hop and wore baggy clothing."
When his family moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in 2004, Khan began blogging on Islam and Jihad as inshaAllhashaheed (Arabic for "God willing a martyr") from his family's basement. His blog spans from 2004-05 and was written sporadically, covering four months in that time period. It was reported that Khan was killed in Yemen by a US drone on September 30, 2011.
According to GlobalJihad.net, "Samir Khan mirrored his teenage peers, from their slang to their baggy pants, until 08/2001 when, at age 15, he attended a week long summer camp at a Mosque in Queens, which was sponsored by a fundamentalist but nonviolent group now known as the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA). In the seminar Samir Khan also befriended members of the Islamic Thinkers Society, a tiny group that promotes radical, nonviolent Islam by leafleting in Times Square and Jackson Heights, Queens. The group is affiliated to Omar Bakri Muhammad. Samir Khan began to post his own webpage at that time, 09/2001."
Another entity with connections to New York, Charlotte, and September 2001 was the Mossad front Urban Moving Systems. Israelis employed at Urban Moving were seen celebrating the burning of the World Trade Center on the morning of 9-11-01. The FBI arrested the celebrants, thereafter known as the "Dancing Israelis". FBI documents show that Urban Moving had connections with the nineteen 9-11 hijackers, and contacts in Charlotte, NC:
From section 1, p. 112 of the FBI investigation of the Dancing Israelis
A news video with anchor Carl Cameron mentions the presence of Mossad in North Carolina at 1:26:
In addition, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the so-called "mastermind of 9-11", completed a degree in mechanical engineering at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro (about an hour from Charlotte) in 1986.
North Carolina has been the staging ground for several threats on President Obama's life. In 2008, Jerry Blanchard, a Charlotte accountant,threatened to use a military sniper rifle to kill, kidnap and inflict bodily harm upon then U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.In 2009, two former Marines named Nicholas Daniel Hanke and Kody Brittingham werearrested for making death threatsagainst their commander-in-chief.In 2010, Joseph McVey, was being held on a charge ofgoing armed to the terror of the public after impersonating a police officer at the city's airport after President Obama flew out of town. Police said the suspect was driving a car that was made to look like a law enforcement vehicle with working lights, sirens and police scanner. McVey allegedly stated that he heard the president was in town and wanted to see him. In 2011, Robert Frank Ackerman of Cary, NC admitted he had threatened to travel to Washington, D.C., to kill the president.
All of the above suspects are white males. The author of the blog Race Relations, posits that the Mossad may be behind a future threat on Obama, with the actor being a white male, in order to deflect blame and incite racial tensions. He suggests that a likely venue would be the Democratic National Convention, to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina during September 2012 - and that the logo for the DNC is composed of Obama's head smack in the center of a bulls-eye.
Charlotte has become a major U.S. financial center. Measured by control of assets, it is now the second largest banking center in the United States after New York City. The nation's second largest financial institution by assets,Bank of America, calls the city home. The city was also the former corporate home of Wachovia until its purchase by Wells Fargo in 2008; Charlotte became the headquarters for East Coast Operations of Wells Fargo. Both Wachovia and Bank of America have been major conduits for drug money-laundering.
Charlotte/Douglas International Airport is the 8th busiest airport in the U.S. and ninth busiest in the world as measured by traffic.
Many veins of gold were found in the area throughout the 19th and early 20th century, leading to the 1837 founding of the Charlotte Mint. North Carolina led the nation in gold production until the California Gold Rush of 1848. The city's first boom came after the Civil War, as a cotton processing center and a railroad hub.
Charlotte's eastbound Central Avenue corridor is known for its international population, including East Europeans, Greeks, Middle-Easterners, and Hispanics. The large area known as Southeast Charlotte is home to many golf communities, luxury developments, mega-churches, the Jewish community center, and private schools. Charlotte has the largest Jewish population in the Carolinas. Shalom Park, in south Charlotte, is the hub of the Jewish community.
A mere four hour drive from Charlotte, Andrew Adler, the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times wrote a piece this past January describing a scenario whereby Israel's U.S. based Mossad agents might assassinate "a president deemed unfriendly to Israel." He adds "...don't you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel's most inner circles?"
"You are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies. Yes, you read...correctly. Order a hit on the president in order to preserve Israel's existence."
On February 24th, 2012, Joaquin Serrapio of Miami was arrested for making threats on the life of President Obama. On March 2nd, Brent Dickinson of Saratoga, NY was arrested for the same felony offense. The fact that Adler is remains free and not in jail for sedition and/or possible treason has many Americans wondering:
The following video, titled Will Israel Assassinate Obama? gives a summary of events in regard to the Atlanta Jewish Times debacle, including a statement of support for Adler by Rabbi Moshe Parry. In the complete Parry video Parry states that Adler is due "restitution" for his pain and suffering after having been dragged through the mud on this issue.
The Mossad has an arm long enough to be considered a likely candidate for murdering Obama with impunity. Investigative reporter Michael Collins Piper in his book Final Judgment argued persuasively that Mossad was at the center of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy...Because of their marketing and public relations savvy, we rarely glimpse what top American Zionists are really thinking. In this case, the Atlanta Jewish Times seems to have goofed and let the murderous Mossad cat out of the bag. Are Netanyahu and Mossad planning an aerial assassination of President Obama?
By Wayne Madsen
3-30-12 In the latest leak from WikiLeaks of hacked e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, Fred Burton, Stratfor's vice president for intelligence, reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is an intelligence source for Stratfor. However, the e-mails sent by Burton strongly indicate that Stratfor, which was founded by pro-Israeli businessman George Friedman; Netanyahu, and Mossad are of the same mindset when it comes to a perception that President Barack Obama is a threat to Israel.
In a May 12, 2009 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB [Netanyahu], being the man of honor that he is, intends to let Obama know (I've been told man to man) that he is the vanguard of the State of Israel, with the hell bent intentions (Bush like I may add) of neutralizing the Iranian nuclear menace, because he trusts this Presidency about as much as I do. For that, he gets my man of the year award."
It is a February 22, 2010 e-mail from Burton that should be causing the most concern for the U.S. Secret Service, which is charged with protecting the life of the President of the United States, Burton writes: "One can look at MOSSAD's recent covert activities and get a sense of their mindset. I also think they will assassinate A-Dogg.
His helo will have a malfunction."
In a March 19, 2010 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB dislikes Obama immensely. After hosting Biden, the last thing he wants to do is kiss Obama's arse. From my lips to your ears." On November 10, 2009, Burton wrote again of Netanyahu's dislike for Obama: "From my lips to your ears. I would imagine that my good friend BB Netanyahu told Obama what the Sword of Gideon has in store for the Iranian menace. I also have it on good word that BB trusts Obama about as much as he trusted Arafat or Waddi [sic] Haddad."
Arafat is a reference to the late Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat and Wadi Haddad was the leader of the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who died in 1978 in East Germany after eating Belgian chocolates that were reportedly laced by Mossad with slow-acting poison.
It is clear from a December 11, 2009 e-mail that Burton's source on all the anti-Obama references ascribed to Netanyahu are from Netanyahu himself. The e-mail, referencing Burton's source, states: "Fred Burton wrote: my source is bb (eyes only)."
However, the most important statement is Burton's comment, keeping in mind that Netanyahu was passing on to Burton the strategic thinking of Mossad, that "I think they [Mossad] will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a malfunction."
Burton is a former Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) special agent at the Department of State. From other leaked Stratfor e-mails, Burton, who previously served as the Texas Department of Public Safety's Assistant Director for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism and currently serves on Governor Rick Perry's Texas Border Security Council, is known for making racist references to minorities, including describing Arabs as "towel heads," "camel jockies," and "sleezy arsehole ragheads." Burton has also referred to Pakistanis as "Pakis" and has charged that "black Dems" commit election fraud in the United States and that Obama has a "black thing" going with Nigerian anti-oil drilling activists.
Burton was part of a State Department team that investigated the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by right-wing Israeli Yigal Amir, a known supporter of Netanyahu.
While Burton may have been referring to either Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Ayatollah Khamenei in his reference to "A-Dogg" having a "helo malfunction," courtesy of Mossad, the spelling of "Dogg" indicates a racial reference. Burton spells "dog" as "Dogg," a likely reference to the rapper "Snoop Dogg." The "A" in "A-Dogg" would indicate that he referring to an "A" or "top Dog," a possible reference to President Obama.
Nevertheless, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei do occasionally travel around Iran by helicopter.
In addition to Burton's boss, Friedman, being a major supporter of Israel, the Mossad threat to Obama's life is not isolated to the Stratfor e-mail. In a January 13, 2012, editorial in theAtlanta Jewish Times, the paper's then-owner and publisher, Andrew Adler, laid out three scenarios open to Netanyahu regarding the Iran issue. Adler's third option was for the Mossad to assassinate Obama. WMR previously reported on Adler's close connection to Israel's Consul General in Atlanta. The Atlanta Consulate General is also a major Mossad base of operations in the southern United States.
Adler's Option Three is as follows: "Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read “three” correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?
Another way of putting 'three' in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives . . . Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?"
Although Adler resigned as publisher of the paper, neither the U.S. Secret Service nor the Justice Department took any criminal action against the publisher for his suggestion that Mossad kill President Obama.
On March 9, 2010, Netanyahu, during a ceremony in Jerusalem, handed visiting Vice President a frame of broken glass with the comment, "I have one thing to offer you right now, and it’s broken glass." Biden was hit with shards of glass from the broken frame. It was an ominous warning to the vice president.
The President's helicopter is Marine One and is maintained and flown by the U.S. Marine Corps' Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) headquartered at the Marine Corps Air Facility at Quantico, Virginia. HMX-1 also has detachments at the Naval Support Facility in Anacostia, Washington, DC and at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. The President usually travels between the White House and Air Force One at Andrews by helicopter. It is also normal that the President uses Marine One for trips to destinations nearby Washington, including the Camp David presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. The President also occasionally uses Marine One on trips around the country and abroad when travel using the presidential limousine is inconvenient.
For as yet unknown reasons, the White House abruptly moved the venue for the upcoming May 18-19 G-8 economic summit of world leaders from Chicago to Camp David.
President Obama and the NATO leaders still plan to hold their NATO summit in Chicago from May 20-21. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former White House chief of staff who is also known to have close connections to Mossad, was given only a few hours notice of the change in plans and was reported miffed at the White House's sudden decision. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who will be sworn in as President of Russia on May 7, will attend the G-8 summit in Camp David.
Assassinations from tampering with helicopters are not uncommon. Ecuador's President Jaime Roldos died in a helicopter crash on May 24, 1981, a crash that was blamed on the CIA. On April 28, 2002, retired Russian Army General Alexander Lebed,a former presidential candidate, died in a suspicious helicopter crash in the Sayan Mountains of Russia.
The Ugly Truth Podcast - The Jewish threat to assassinate Obama–typical ‘out of the overflow of the heart the Jewish mouth speaks’ or something more organized? We are joined by Keith Johnson, Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper to discuss the latest threat from Israel that Obama better shape up lest he be shipped out in a pine box.
All work on this blog is original research unless otherwise noted. For permissions to repost, please contact the blog administrator.
Some sites that are racist and that advocate genocide and violence will occasionally repost articles from this blog. Those sites are not endorsed by the author.
In general, such sites are often designed to discredit investigations into Mossad culpability in the 9-11 attacks and Zionist criminality in general.
In the opinion of the author of this blog, Zionism has been and still is the biggest threat to Jews and non-Jews alike, is the major deterrent to world peace, and is beneficial (in the short term) mainly to the few elitists who are behind it.
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