the cradle
2 hours ago
The original source for the police report and FBI documents on the Dancing Israelis
Focusing on Israeli culpability for the 9-11 attacks and Zionism's global reach,
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"All war is based on deception." - Sun Tzu
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war." - former motto of the Mossad
"A delivery truck carrying about 60,000 papers bound for Manhattan from the South Brunswick printing plant got caught in a roadblock at the George Washington Bridge.
A van suspected of carrying explosives had been stopped — and the entire inbound bridge lanes were closed, trapping the Journal delivery truck for several hours. " --Scattered WSJ staff use e-mail, phones, N.J. office to publish, Barney Calame, Published: May 31, 2002Well now, I guess that really happened, huh? A van was stopped at the bridge. Traffic was stopped at the bridge. Reports went out to the world about the van.
DEBORAH FEVERICK, [correction: "Feyerick"] CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I can. That is the information that I am getting from two sources, that there was a van either on the New Jersey Turnpike or the Garden State Parkway, and that it was near the George Washington Bridge.
There were two or three men who were in the van that was pulled over. It is not clear why the van was pulled over, but when it was, law enforcers found tons of explosives inside of the van.
That is, right now, all I am hearing. But again, two to three people in custody, and we are trying to get more information on that right now.
HEMMER: Deborah, I don't mean to put you on the spot here. Do you know where on the Jersey Turnpike this was? How far from New York City?
FEVERICK: We do not know that. We are looking into that. There is one report that it was on the New Jersey Turnpike. There is another report that it was very close to the bridge, if not on the bridge. So again, these details are emerging. We're trying to piece them together. But that's what we have so far, two to three people in custody, found with a van filled with explosives.We can be pretty damned certain that:
--CNN LIVE EVENT/SPECIAL, A Number Of Men Arrested With Explosives On Jersey Turnpike, Aired September 11, 2001 - 23:28 ET
1) There was a van very near the George Washington Bridge.And, you know what? That's enough. Just the fact that we were told about a truck bomb on the evening of 9/11 needed to be clarified and explained by the U.S. federal government in significant detail.
2) It was stopped at the approach to the George Washington Bridge by police.
3) The traffic across the bridge was closed for several hours.
4) News reporters were informed of a large amount of explosives in the van.
5) Two or three people were in the van, and were arrested.
6) No mention at all of these facts (or of "Urban Moving Systems") was presented at the 9/11 Commission, and it was never acknowledged by their (phony) report or by the Congressional Joint Inquiry Report.
QUESTION: Where in New Jersey, do you know?Does he mean he "can't say?" He's not allowed to say? Or that he doesn't know? This is a very odd response to a pretty straightforward question about the location where an arrest has just taken place. How is Kerik so sure about the lack of explosives, if he can't even be sure where the van was?
KERIK: I can't say yet.
BERNARD KERIK, NEW YORK CITY POLICE COMMISSIONER: I just got a confirmation from the Chief of Detectives, he's reach out to the FBI. They have confirmed that someone has been stopped in New Jersey, three men in a van. However, there was no explosives in the van. All right. They're being held for questioning.Kerik really stresses the talking point. No one had mentioned "explosives" at the press conference up until that moment. The questioner did ask about "resources," a vague term that Kerik apparently interpreted as "explosives." (CNN, New York City Officials Address Day's Devastation, Aired September 11, 2001 - 23:30 ET)
"Robots.txt Query Exclusion.So the reader will need to head to a library that carries the Jerusalem Post if they doubt the veracity of the WhatReallyHappened website, where that article is currently mirrored.
We're sorry, access to has been blocked by the site owner via robots.txt."
"Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center.Original article:
"Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals." (Bergen Record)